Discover together, Explore together

Jody Martens: "The ExperienceTable adds depth to our experience and skills ."

Discover together, Explore together

ExperienceTable & Museums

The ExperienceTable is an interactive journey through the museum, in which the well-known rule ‘just look, don’t touch’ does not apply.


Every visitor, young or old, can explore your exhibition through the touch screen.

Following their own curiosity, your visitors get to know all museum exponats better.


The ExperienceTable software can be tailored to your taste. Together we can present your museum in a special way.


The ExperienceTable is unlimited. Our software allows you to add an unlimited amount of new content to the table.

Multi-user device

The ExperienceTable can be operated by several people at the same time. Every touch on the screen provides a clear response.


The ExperienceTable brings people together. All games and applications are aimed at discovering together, exploring together and learning together.


The ExperienceTable places a special accent on your museum exhibition. It stimulates vigorous conversations and challenges visitors to explore the museum themselves.

ExperienceTable - demonstration on location

Want to see the ExperienceTable in action? Our free of charge of demonstration on your location allows you to see the value the table can bring to your organization. 


The demonstration is free of charge and without obligation.

User Experiences

Limburgs Museum

Bert Mennings: "De magie van de BelevenisTafel levert geluksmomenten op."

Kasteel Hoensbroek

Jody Martens: "Bezoekers kunnen op de BelevenisTafel interactief aan de slag met onze historische kaarten."

Museum Beelden aan Zee

Marlies Nijkamp: "Door samen aan de BelevenisTafel in gesprek te gaan over kunst, open je letterlijk je blik."




At your


Sign up to experience the ExperienceTable yourself

Elderly Care

Active together, experience together. User friendly care technology that makes bonding easier and ensures fun among the elderly.

Elderly Care

Experience it here

Disabled Care

Learn together, play together. A unique experience at your own pace. From LVB to EMB.

Experience it here

Beleef het hier


An interactive journey through your museum. An educational one, but above all exciting!


Experience it here


Learning and experiencing in a playful way. A meeting place in your library.


Experience it here