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graag in contact

Wilt u meer weten over de BelevenisTafel, of heeft u een andere vraag? Neem dan via onderstaand contactformulier contact met ons op.

Have questions? Feel free to ask

For any further questions we remain at your disposal.

We would like to get to know you and discuss the benefits our ExperienceTable can offer you.

We are always open for new connections.

Interested in a partnership or another form of cooperation? We would be happy to get in touch with you!




At your


Sign up to experience the ExperienceTable yourself

Elderly Care

Active together, experience together. User friendly care technology that makes bonding easier and ensures fun among the elderly.

Elderly Care

Experience it here

Disabled Care

Learn together, play together. A unique experience at your own pace. From LVB to EMB.

Experience it here

Beleef het hier


An interactive journey through your museum. An educational one, but above all exciting!


Experience it here


Learning and experiencing in a playful way. A meeting place in your library.


Experience it here